Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Save Million Trees Non-Profit did it again!

Save Million Trees, Inc. Non-Profit has done it again! They previously launched a campaign where they are urging households to reduce the waste they create – by helping households to stop receiving junk mail. Every household receives 41 lb of junk mail every year. The more households refuse to receive direct marketing materials, the less direct marketing materials, catalogs, and brochures are printed. This is the beauty of this program – it does not patch the problem by getting the junk mail recycled, but actually, in the long term, reduces the amount that is produced! This, of course, significantly lower the amount of tax dollars that cities, counties and states have to waste in transporting and recycling direct marketing materials.  

Now Save Million Trees has launched a new campaign, to save even more of our forests. Their KIDS GO GREEN campaign addresses another urgent problem – the huge amount of paper waste that our children create in schools. Kids Go Green gets schools recycling by making it easy for them.

As we all know, our little ones are major creators – and create a huge amount of paper waste as a side product annually. A study done by Recycle Today states that one elementary student creates 99 lb of paper waste in one school year. Most of this paper waste does not get recycled due to ever decreased funding in schools.  Effective recycling campaigns for preschools and elementary schools are sorely needed. Save Million Trees, Organization’s Kids Go Green campaign donates free recycling bins to where it really counts – in the classrooms! This, or course makes it extremely easy for our kids to recycle – children are forced to choose every time they throw something away!

Placing recycling bins in classrooms is shown to increase recycling by over 80% - causing just one recycling bin in a classroom to save 27 trees in just one school year! As the bins are used for years, Save Million Trees rightfully claims that one $10.00 donation that pays for bins to one classroom will save 270 trees in 10 years!
Here is the website address for more information http://www.save1000000trees.org 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Why don't YOU stop JUNK MAIL?????

We all hate junk mail. Most people throw it in the trash right away - without even opening it. Have you ever thought how, by doing that, you contribute to deforestation, pollution, habitat loss of endangered animals, and more? Have you?

Why don't you simply stop receiving junk mail? Save Million Trees, Inc. Non-Profit will help you to stop it, once and for good - for free. As long as you do nothing, you are a part of the problem. Once you stop receiving junk mail, you free up 70 hours of your time/year not having to deal with junk mail. You also help save a million trees, save tax dollars, and help reduce overload of our landfills. Sound good?

Go to http://www.save1000000trees.org/ and stop wasting your time with junk mail! It's simple, and it works.

Can $10.00 save 270 Trees? If so, HOW?

Yes, one $10.00 donation can and does save 270 trees. Save Million Trees, Inc. Non-Profit has a new campaign - Kids Go Green - where they donate recycling bins to preschools and schools. According to Recycle Now website, one elementary kid produces 99 lb of pape waste in one school year.

In a class of 18 kids, recycling bins, right there in the classroom promote recycling so much that over 80% of paper waste gets recycled. It's as easy for the kids to recycle as it is to throw it in the trash!

So, one $10.00 donation does save 270 trees in ten years - the paper waste from one classroom equals 27 trees in one year. My donation of $20.00 will save 540 trees. How many trees do you want to save today?


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Save a Million Trees! Who wouldn't want to do that?

This organization claims that they can save a million trees in five years. It sounds like enormous bragging, until you go to their website and see what this organization is all about.

They give specific numbers of people needed to join and stop receiving junk mail - yes, junk mail! Who wouldn't want to stop receiving it? At least I am sick and tired of my mailbox being full of junk every time I check it. If every junk mail I get would have a penny in it, I would have been a millionaire a long time ago! Too bad all they want is my money and time, and I get nothing in return.

Anyway, I meant to tell you about this organization and how they claim to save a million trees....sounds too good to be true! Get almost total freedom from junk mail, AND FEEL GOOD ABOUT DOING SOMETHING TO SAVE THIS GOOD OLD EARTH! I'm in! Here is the website http://www.save1000000trees.org/ so you can check it out yourselves! I joined, and I will absolutely keep you posted on how well it works!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

True story Amanda Knox, Murder in Trial in Italy will air soon

Amanda's nd her ex boyfriend's (both found guilty of murdering Amanda's roommate in Italy in 2007) attorneys are fighting Lifetime and trying to stop Lifetime from airing a movie about Amanda's trial. The attorneys are threatening to sue the network if the airing of the movie is not cancelled. The attorneys are also demanding for the immediate removal of the trailer from Lifetime's website reports The Associated Press.

Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy, Hayden Panettiere playing the part of Amanda Knox, will air on  Monday, Feb. 21. unless the network agrees to cancel.

Associated Press reports that A&E Television Networks, which owns Lifetime had declined to comment.

Amanda Knox and ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito were both convicted of sexually assaulting and murdering Meredith Kercher, Amanda's roommate, in their apartment. Meredith Kercher was stabbed to death on Nov. 1, 2007.

Amanda Knox received 26 years, and Sollecito received a 25 year sentence. Both deny both the assault and murder, and are appealing the case.

The victim's father, Jon Kercher, has criticized the re-enactment scenes from the TV movie as "absolutely horrific." Sollecito's attorney, Maori, said the film presented scenes that were "beyond any logic."
The trailer was still on Lifetime's website Sunday afternoon. The trailer can be seen here
Attorneys for U.S. student Amanda Knox and her ex-boyfriend, who were found guilty of killing Knox's roommate in Italy, have demanded that Lifetime pull a planned film about their trial, The Associated Press reports.
Lifetime website is still showing the trailer http://www.mylifetime.com/movies/amanda-knox-murder-on-trial-in-italy

Lindsey Lohan denies stealing the necklace!

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Lindsay Lohan's lawyer denies any reports that the actress had stolen a neclace from a Venice jewelry store. He went further and stated that all possible charges will be fought in court, and not in the media.

Los Angeles police is investigating allegations that Lindsey walked out of the jewelry store without paying for the $2,500 necklace in question. Prosecutors are still reviewing the case and have not decided whether to file formal charges against Lohan. The necklace was returned to a police station shortly after the jewelry store reported it stolen. The neckless was returned by an undisclosed party.

"We vehemently deny these allegations and, if charges are filed, we will fight them in court, not in the press," attorney Shawn Chapman Holley said in a statement.
A jewelry store in the beach resort of Venice, where Lohan now lives, reported the necklace missing on January 22 -- just three weeks after she left her fifth stint in rehab in three years.
The allegations came as Lohan, 24, struggles to pull her life and career back together after more than three years of court appearances, failed drug tests, brief spells in jail and a drunk driving conviction." (Reuter) More on this story at http://omg.yahoo.com/news/lindsay-lohan-denies-jewelry-theft-her-lawyer-says/55759 

Christina Aquillera got a SUPER GIG!

Christina Aquillera landed the "Super Gig" - she will be singing the National Anthem before the Superbowl today NFL published on Monday.  The big game is between Pittsburgh Steelers and Greenbay Packers. "This is a Dream Come True" says Christina - and continues stating that she has been performing the National Anthem since she was seven years old, at different occasions. More on this here http://omg.yahoo.com/news/christina-aguilera-to-sing-national-anthem-at-super-bowl-xlv/54791