Friday, June 24, 2011

Why don't YOU stop JUNK MAIL?????

We all hate junk mail. Most people throw it in the trash right away - without even opening it. Have you ever thought how, by doing that, you contribute to deforestation, pollution, habitat loss of endangered animals, and more? Have you?

Why don't you simply stop receiving junk mail? Save Million Trees, Inc. Non-Profit will help you to stop it, once and for good - for free. As long as you do nothing, you are a part of the problem. Once you stop receiving junk mail, you free up 70 hours of your time/year not having to deal with junk mail. You also help save a million trees, save tax dollars, and help reduce overload of our landfills. Sound good?

Go to and stop wasting your time with junk mail! It's simple, and it works.

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