Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Taco Bell sued! The beef is not meat!

Taco Bell beef has too little meat to be called meat, says a lawsuit! The lawsuit further states that the "beef" at Taco Bell in fact has too much filling to even be called meat! See the whole story at


  1. I am curious to know the whole story. I haven't read it yet. I like taco bell, though I don't go there very often at all I want to know what the "beef" really is.

  2. I don't think we will find out what it really is until during the trial - if there will be one. If they settle, which they probably will, the world will never know...I'm just thinking about the McDonald's lawsuit years ago - I read the case, and there actually was no chicken in their chicken nuggets. And this is true. Now it has changed and they say there is chicken, but who knows?
